Tuesday, July 03, 2018

More overwhelming than usual

I woke up yesterday in the middle of the night with a horrible sore throat.
I moved really slowly all day.
My body ached, and eating was the worst.
Also, I miss Claire, and I miss Provo.  
This time of year in Provo is probably one of the greatest places 
one can be to celebrate America's birthday.  
I thought about Fox Hill and how amazing that place was
during this time of year- (actually all year round).
The good news is:
Mr. Nielson and I have almost finalized our plans for our
new home here in NC.
It will be beautiful, and I CAN'T WAIT.

Mr. Nielson and I are trying to decide what we can do here to make
 the 4th of July fun and memorable for the Little Nies.
We want to find something that will become forever family traditions.
I know there is much to do here in the Southeast; we just need to find it. 
  However, I managed to make dinner, clean a toilet, 
and get gelato after FHE.
Nothing is very fun sick. (Obvi)
I also suggested to the gelato shop to make licorice flavor.
I'll keep you posted on that.
We are still sleeping on air mattresses, sitting on one single couch, 
and using our outdoor chairs around a small kitchen table.
I ordered furniture weeks ago, and it still has yet to arrive.
That's been frustrating.  
Mostly I think I just don't feel so healthy
so everything seems more overwhelming to me than usual.
* * * * * * *
UPDATE on Claire in Samoa:
Building stuff, working hard, eating good food, and 
meeting incredible friends.
I am really so proud of her!

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