Monday, September 26, 2016

Jump the Gun

Over the weekend, we had a lovely rainstorm that lasted most of the weekend.
It was cold, cozy, and fantastically dreary.
Little by little this past month, I have methodically taken out 
fall and Halloween deco, books, and movies.  
Now, I told Mr. Nielson I wasn't going to 
jump the gun and do something crazy like
 ask for a fire in our fireplace until October 1st, so you must know how 
surprised I was when he suggested to build one for us as we
 watched Saturday morning football.
Don't get me wrong, Mr. Nielson loves over-celebrating holidays like me,
 (thanks to me) but he's generally down with it happening later.
You know, sometimes when I am alone in the car 
I listen to Christmas music- (but that's for another post).
 Also, my girls and I enjoyed a 
beautiful evening listening and watching the
It was inspiring and energizing,
and I felt the spirit pulsating throughout my body and mind.
I wanted to stand up and clap inappropriately, 
with tears dripping from my eyes after each talk.  I was feeling it.
After the session, my sisters, mom, girls, and I 
 went out for Thai food and ice cream.

Love these traditions we continue to carry on.  
Mostly, I love the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and because of Him, the ability
to change, grow, and develop into a more charitable and wise
mother, wife, and woman.

"God rewards those who earnestly see him, 
but that reward is not usually behind the first door. 
We need to keep knocking .  Sisters, don't give up.  Seek God
with all your heart.  Exercise faith.  Walk in righteousness."
-Dieter F. Uchtdorf

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