Thursday, July 07, 2016


On Wednesdays, Mr. Nielson and I work in the Missionary Training Center (MTC) 
where we chat online with people from all over the world.  
We chat to people about Christ, our plan on earth, who we are, and where we 
are going.  It's a highlight of my week.  
On our way out yesterday, we ran into a group of gorgeous sisters who will
be living in the Philippines for
 18 months teaching others about God and His plan.
These cute girls are fiercely loyal to God.  I want to be fiercely loyal too.

"Today more than ever, we need women of faith, virtue, vision, and charity.
We need women who can hear and will respond to the voice of the Lord,
women who at all costs will defend and protect the family."
-M. Russell Ballard
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