Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Back To School Feast 2013-14

 The Nielson Back to School Feast took place last Sunday.
I prepared the usual:
Crowns (with lots of glitter), fun place settings, decorated table, 
and "wowee," which is how Lottie (and all my kids at her age)
describe carbonated beverages, stained glass stars,
and of course, the family theme was announced.
This year, Mr. Nielson and I decided to take our new theme 
from the beautifully inspired The Family: A Proclamation to the World. 
Specifically, this part:
Successful marriages and families are established and maintained on principles of faith, prayer, repentance, forgiveness, respect, love, compassion, work, and wholesome recreational activities.
Each Monday night for the entire year,
our family will recite this together.
{Last year's theme}
Claire already has it down, and Jane is close. 
We are still working with the boys.
This theme will guide us through the year, 
we will constantly talk about these principles in our home, 
around the dinner table and wherever we can.
It will be a guiding light to our family.
Here are the photographs that the talented  
Justin Hackworth took during the evening.
Here is what we served:
Garlic butter salmon
Mixed green salad with homegrown cherry tomatoes
 Beets with vinegar and Parmesan
Warm rolls with butter
Blackened carrots
Mashed potatoes with cream
Stars by Piggy and Dirt
Family theme star HERE
Claire's star HERE
Jane's star HERE
Oliver's star HERE
Nicholas' star HERE
Charlotte's star HERE 
Also, this year, our family received a new Proclamation to display in our home.
It is beautifully embossed and will look perfect in our living room.
You can find one HERE.
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