Friday, March 24, 2006

A Letter to my sisters:

Dear Page,
I hope everything goes well with your home birth! I am so excited you are doing that!
Keep your placenta; you can plant a tree in Vivian's name using the placenta as fertilizer. 
I still have Oliver's placenta, I have yet to find a good spot for a tree in NJ, 
so I brought it with me to AZ (don't ask me how).

Dear Courtney,
Today Claire pretended she was you. She had an invisible Christopher and called him
"big guy." She said he was really tall. I hope you'll come to AZ for Spring break; that would be amazing. I need you to make me laugh and help me find some vegetarian beans.

Dear Lucy,
While I am happy, you are coming home from your mission in June,
I'm kind of sweating about it, too, because I have so many of your cute clothes,
(and I am not prepared to give them back to you).
I enjoyed your beautiful coral necklace, which cost more than my life, 
and the darling Anthropologie skirts. 
I hope you come home in a good mood and full of spirit, then you won't care, right?!

Love, Stephanie

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Goodbye friends!

Leaving New Jersey is so bittersweet.
We've made so many wonderful friends that have been family to us!  
We will miss them terribly!

Last week we had ice cream with Christian's co-workers
 Courtney, Frances, and Jackie:

Then a few days ago, I had a farewell lunch with my church sisters.
They have been such wonderful friends to me
and I will miss them and our time together:

(I will miss you so much, Mary!)

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