Thursday, March 23, 2017

St. Patrick's Day 2017

Since we were at the ranch for St. Patrick's Day, 
We didn't celebrate this lucky green holiday like we usually do.

I promised the Little Nies when we got home from the ranch
  I would make our traditional 
Irish cabbage stew and Irish soda bread.
I promised I would cover the table with a cheap
 green plastic tablecloth and spread chocolate gold coins
on top--just like we always do.
We also drank pints and pints of ginger ale 
(I just really wanted to say pint).

Traditions are what make life at Fox Hill continue.
Traditions bring happiness, stability, and assurance.
As long as I am the mother, 
we will celebrate anything and everything we can think of.
And occasionally, I will create new traditions that deserve celebrating,
like 'the season's first fire.' which is usually celebrated in September.

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