Friday, January 06, 2017

Nielson Snow Day

Today we woke up to more snow.
Somewhere between 5 and 6 am, I got a phone call from our school district 
letting us know that a "late start" was set in place for all students.  
Buses couldn't drive on the benches (where I live) because the roads were too icy.  
And the snow continued to fall 
all morning, and no sign of the snow plow! 
Another phone call came from the school district to advise us that
 bus routes wouldn't be going to the benches to pick up kids, 
(Bahhhh, come on, what will it take?).
Well, not for us.
With no snow plow still and our deathway impossible; 
 I declared the day a Nielson Snow Day.
I made granola and a batch of cookies while the Little Nies went sledding
 with neighbors (who also stayed home, too...yay!). 
Jane and Oliver had "hot chocolate wars," where they both made a different
type of hot chocolate and had the rest of the family taste-tested
their concoctions. Both beverages were delicious, but as fate would have it
Oliver's hot delight won the contest.
It was a peaceful day, perfect and cozy.
After work, Mr. Nielson made a delightful fire, 
and we watched the snow
fall from the pink sky outside.
I didn't go anywhere all day, and it was perfect. 
Here's to hoping that my weekend will be more of the same!

Happy Weekend to you and yours!
Spiritual Enlightenment: First Focus on Love 

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