Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Nielson Christmas Tree(s) 2016

Last week, we picked out four Christmas trees!
I always choose a fat, flocked tree for the dining room
 and a fresh, skinny, tall tree for the living room. 
We also selected two small "Charlie Brown" trees for the kids' rooms.
We loaded the trees in the truck and headed home just in time
to watch the last BYU home football game on TV.
I spent what seemed like hours unwinding Christmas lights while
The Little Nies worked on changing out bulbs.
One by one, the kids fell asleep on the rug, except for 
Jane, who happily helped me finish lighting the tree
(and Lottie, who tied every single hair bow she
owns on the lower part of the tree).
Monday morning, I woke up to snow....lots of snow!
Lottie and I spent the day stringing up the last
of the lights and decorating the trees.
I also pulled out our Christmas decoration boxes.
Lottie oohed and ahhhhed with every box, examining the contents
and making little messes everywhere she went.
 It was a peaceful, quiet, and calm day.

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