Monday, August 13, 2007

Fall is here!! Time for school!!

Friday was back to school for Claire.

We found her desk, met her teacher and some of the
kids in her new class.
Kindergarten, here she comes!!
We are all excited!

We also checked out the playground:

And, of course, I cried twice just by looking at Claire.
Here is how I envision the first day of school:

I will walk Claire to her bus stop. 
I will smother her in kisses before she gets on.
I will wave goodbye to her. 
Then, I will wipe away my tears. (And Jane's).
Then we'll jump in the car and follow the bus to her school
so I can watch her get off the bus and find her class with the other kids.
Then I'm sure my kids will ask me when 
Claire will get home from school every second of the day.
We don't realize it, but she is what makes our days fun; 
she plans the games, sets up the dress-ups, and leads the adventures.
What will we do without her?!

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