Friday, July 15, 2016

A Mouse in the House

Just before Dr. Lettieri walked out of the room, I mustered my courage,
but tried to act nonchalant.
"Do you think I can have more children?" 
I asked, staring at the wall.
He stopped in the doorway. 
"Yeah, I don't see why not," he answered easily.  
"Let's have another look at the skin on your stomach."
He examined my skin to evaluate flexibility and then reviewed my 
chart--no internal damage.
  "It's possible," he said, "but wait until your next procedure is done.  
We'll have to keep a close eye on your stomach to make sure it's 
stretching enough for a baby to grow. "
I was beaming when Dr. Lettieri left the room, and as soon as the door 
closed behind him, I squealed, 
"We can have a baby!"
Christian grabbed me by the waist and lifted me
 gently so my eyes were level with his.
"Darling, a baby!"  he said, and we kissed through our smiles
-Taken from my memoir, Heaven Is Here

I can't believe I am already thinking about our annual Back to School feast,
but I am. One of the first things I do to prepare for the event
is order my glass stars from Piggy and Dirt.
I have a star made for each Little Nie and one with our newest
family theme etched into the center.

Happy weekend!
Spiritual Enlightenment: Courageous Parenting

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