Thursday, May 14, 2015


My friend Amy took this photo of our boys, Nicholas and Thomas.
Amy lives on the other side of Fox Hill.
We each have 5 children, and 4 out of our 5 match up perfectly:
 Jane & Hannah-12
Oliver & William-10
Nicholas & Thomas-8
Charlotte & Ada-3
The Little Nies wander in between homes almost 
daily feeling free and independent.
Amy and I mother very similarly and by that,
I mean, we want our children to play outside.
So they play pioneers and mountain men and all that good stuff.
They search the hill that separates our homes for bones, footprints,
arrowheads, feathers, and beer bottles. 
Nicholas told me that he really did eat 3 roly-poly bugs today 
and Thomas used his hatchet to cut down tree sticks to make a fort.
Jane and Hannah play pioneer women who knit and then gather eggs from
Amy's chicken coop.
Oliver and William were off at war and eating last night's cornbread
while probably pretending to be prisoners in a deep dark ravine.

With the sun staying out longer in the day, 
I usually don't plan on serving dinner
until around 7:00 because I can't stand calling them in.  
I know they are happy playing together and making memories.

This is a magical life, and I want to bottle up this goodness and never
let my children get any older.

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